Monday, March 17, 2008

Devil's Food Cupcake


vvv66 said...

LOVE the whipped cream.

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Hi Sharon! It's Tammy (Ian's wife). Josiah told us about your website when he was down in Asheville. Your work is absolutely gorgeous! I had no idea you were such a talented painter. I am in awe. I look forward to more images on your blog. It would be cool to post a "work in progress" as it is coming along, and show your readers how you create one of your masterpieces. Educational and inspirational! I'll pass your blog around to my ring of bloggers too. I hope to see you all soon!

Best Wishes,

Sharon Bancroft said...

Thanks for stopping by, guys. Happy Easter! Tammy, maybe I will take your suggestion sometime soon. I don't think I am brave enough to do this with my current project (a portrait), but maybe the next little one I work on would be good for this. Hope to be in Asheville for a visit sometime this summer.

Sandy said...

Hello Sharon, I've come by to see your work via Tammy and Goodboy Norman. Your work is beautiful. I love the light and shadows in your paintings. They are beautiful.

Sharon Bancroft said...

Hi Pug's Mama, thanks for your visit and your kind words.

Jeff Batstone said...

I haven't read your blog in a while and just really enjoyed getting a little view of your thoughts... but mostly this painting flug a horrible chocolate craving on me. Definately a piece I should never own.
love you